Day: October 23, 2009

The origin of the Decorator


Did you know that, according to Interior design & decoration 6th ed., in Renaissance France (c.1500-1610) the profession of the Decorator was created due to the need of a constant or frequent knowledgeable supervisor capable to use the talent of each artist to the best advantage, to arrange every piece of furniture and position them to best effect. The decorator or ornemaniste was also an engraver who was able to facilitate his client with a vision of a final result through the medium of engraving. The Ornameniste Abbe Jaubert once wrote “To excel in this art, which has been born before our eyes, it is necessary to have a good eye, to have a good knowledge of design, to understand perfectly the merits of each piece of furniture, to show them in their true light, and to create an ensemble that will give pleasing impression”. No wonder France is been always the Center of the arts.

image from cartoon stock


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