Day: June 18, 2012

Probably the mirror used by the witch in Snow White was a convex mirror since it’s a mirror with a power of optical illusion. Also referred to as Bulls-Eyes mirrors, curved mirrors and witch mirrors, convex mirrors reflect images in a way that they look to come from a central point, inside the mirror. The curvier the mirror the closer is the reflection. The outward curvature of convex mirrors make the reflected image look sort of virtual. History has it that for centuries convex mirrors were the only ones existing, as it can be depicted in antique paintings. The mirror became popular in the US during The Federal period where the Eagle was added as a symbol of the Country. I would love one as big as possible for our new house in Sao Paulo. The beauty of the federalist convex mirror is in in the ornamentation that many of these mirrors have. They can bring glam and character to any room when needed. They look great as a stand along wall accessory or as part of a gallery wall combined with other curved or round mirrors. These mirrors are also more fun than regualr one-dimension mirror because the images reflected by them have more movements.

convex mirror, federalist convex mirror, Bruce Budd home decor with convex mirror via belle vivir blog
Bruce Budd used on in his very popular Carriage home

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