Day: May 17, 2013

Here in Sao Paulo weather appear to be cemented. Summer percolates into fall and Spring- did it last a day? I kept waiting for summer to arrive to enroll our son Lucas into swimming classes, instead we had a full version of what is a regular fall and tropical winter combined. We’ll enroll him this fall which surprisingly has been a lot more pleasant with more sunny days and warmer temperatures than the actual Summer season. This Saturday will be Festa Junina which is according to Wikipedia “the annual Brazilian celebrations historically related to European Midsummer that take place in the beginning of the Brazilian winter.” For those visiting Sao Paulo, planning is everything when it comes to predictable weather, You’ll need a few layers of clothes in case it gets a bit cold as well as something very light underneath in case this very-unusual-Fall decides to filter back in.  Above all, there is a lot of things to provide you with a great time. Especially the food.  Have a wonderful weekend!

Sao Paulo weather via belle vivir blog


Sao Paulo weather via belle vivir blog

Sao Paulo weather via belle vivir blog

Shourouk Picie Necklace

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