instantly beautifying tips a women can always count on is the use of a pair of
statement earrings. Accessories do to a woman what ornaments do to a
Christmas tree; they make her shine like a diamond. Enjoy!

Krakoff founder of Pamplemousse Design inc. in this moth issue of AD.
Delphine Krakoff does chic like no other and in case you were wondering how she
does it: she was born and raised in Paris and has worked for luxury houses such
as Louis Vuitton, Christian Dior, Coach and Ralph Lauren.
Pleasurable enough experiences that grant her a natural French flair that comes
across in her amazing interior design projects. Take a look for yourself.
Now this is a screen room that looks so comfortable and huge that it could perfectly be converted into a guest room for multiple guests or better for sleep overs.
All images via Architectural Digest

to create from the bottom of my heart, imagination, and creativity. I
wanted to create something that was completely unique and transcends the
fashion times aka. modern and classic at the same time. I hope you love it, want it and buy many of them and share
them with your family and friends because I think it’s kind of cool and good
I’ll share the rest of my print line with you which is all awesome and unique,
but don’t hesitate, they’re coming soon!
And on another note, as everybody should know by now, Google Reader is closing
down for goods which leaves us with one great option to continue following our
favorite blogs, Blogloving. Believe it or not, I was not a regular
Blogloving user, I actually never used it. I just didn’t want to add another
Internet way of consuming my little free time left. You know that thing
about living in the moment? But this morning when I was transferring my Blogs
follower list I felt better than I was replacing instead of adding one more, so
thanks Google for the change because frankly, Bloglovin is kind of better
looking than your old Google reader. I think!
Since this morning Belle Vivir
is actively live in Bloglovin in case you were worried about how to continue
following me? Press the button below.