Month: June 2017


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I’m looking for the perfect white summer dress, if such exists.  Not too long, not too short, not too tight, not too cheesy…. Flowing and soft but a statement of sort, maybe some embroidery but not necessarily.  One that can transition from summer afternoon walks to outdoor sunset-dining while sipping some Riesling… One with wide sleeves that would allow my arms to pass above my shoulders will be ideal…

fashion suggestions of white summer dresses via belle vivir blog

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Interesting Links Worth Sharing 

When the journey may outpace the destination.  Amazing roads you’ll want to travel.

This dog’s reaction when seeing his owner after three years will give you a lump in your throat.

The facial mask that has taken Instagram by storm by promising instant glow and tightness.

Why your summer bag should be on the cheap side.

Summer reading recommendations.

10 Trips you should take in your lifetime.

And in case you missed this week’s,  here are a few recommendations for your next bathroom remodeling


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steel casement windows, steel windows

Alfredo Paredes Manhattan home with stunning arched steel casement doors which make this space so spectacular.

I get so smitten every time I see a room with steel casement windows or doors, gladly they are getting more and more popular as we can see their beautiful presence in almost every design magazine issue lately.  I like to see them in all their different uses from windows to doors to kitchen cabinets to shower enclosure although, I have to say that they reign more when used as French patio doors.   After all, there are wood French patio doors and there are steel casement French patio doors with the last one being within its simplicity, extremely elegant and restrained.  Steel doors and windows look their best when used against clean concrete walls in more industrial or country settings but they can also look pretty seamless when used against stone walls.

Steel windows and doors are somewhat a kind of a design import from France where it has been used abundantly from Paris to the country side.

steel casement window, black-white-bathroom-with-shower-steel-enclosure

Steel shower enclosure brakes with the all white theme in this bathroom.

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