Is The Cure to Global Warming In Rocks… And Other Stories

The remedy to Global Warming once and for all may be found in certain rocks capable of capturing a lot of carbon dioxide from the air through a natural process called carbon mineralization.  It’s comforting to know that there are countless scientists trying hard to find a way to halt or reverse our world’s greatest threat.  Experiments of this natural reaction may start being conducted in California.  “They remove planet-warming carbon dioxide from the air and turn it to stone.  In theory, these rocks could store hundreds of years of human emissions of CO2”.   How Oman’s Rocks Could Help Save the Planet

Schloss Hollenegg Castle

Do you want to know how a modern 21st Century family adapts their modern way of living to a 12th Century Castle with 52 bedrooms in desperate need of a major restoration?   When a 21 st-Century Family Moves Into a 12th-Century Castle.

Chrissy Tiegen

If there is one Instagram account that I’m glad I follow, it’s Chrissy Tiegen’s.  To say she is hilarious is a understatement… I saw her post yesterday morning where she was making fun of the fact that she didn’t attend The Met Gala in her own funny way.  To see her other posts trolling those who attended the gala go here.  It’s pretty funny.