Month: December 2019

Haapy new year 2020

Wishing you all a Happy and Prosperous New Year.  May 2020 be our best year yet, full of good health, happiness, and success.


It’s sad to see how every year, fewer magazines are showing Christmas decorated homes.  I understand they want to be politically correct and be respectful of other religions however I think that everyone can enjoy the pretty decor and the festive side of Christmas whether or not one believes in it.  These images were published back in 2014 and it’s amazing how relevant they still look today.

Christmas mantel decoration

The home was decorated by Bronson van Wyck for Christmas and it’s opulent but somewhat approachable.?  Beautiful magnolia garlands frame the impressive metal staircase and doorways, while my favorite part of this house is the library fireplace mantel which was draped in cedar branches interlaced with custom-made paper fans.

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colorful modern home decor, black and white graphic tiles bathroom

I love it when I come across a home that is colorful, modern, and timeless at the same time.  Nowadays, when everything seems to be in black and white, it’s refreshing to see that there are still designers who dare to take a chance.  I love neutrals because they can’t go wrong; however, a colorful home is always uplifting.  Architect Carmel Greer created a home that is as personalized as it’s inviting.  Pink living room with contrasting upholstery, who doesn’t like pink? She kept the bathrooms and kitchen neutral and fresh while sprinkled the open spaces with modern and colorful art.

colorful modern home decor, pink living room

Often Designers and Architects use their own home as a laboratory by implementing design choices that clients usually reject.  Carmel told ED that she put in her own house things that clients haven’t really loved.  I’m sure that many clients, after seeing the result will change their minds.

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kids gift guide, anne claire giant teddy bear

Ah to be a kid again… and have fun parents who gift us the cutest toys, chicest clothes, and most memorable experiences.  To say that kids are more than ever fortunate is an understatement.  As parents, we are more informed about the things that can make a difference in our child’s life, more so than previous generations.  On the other hand, nothing makes a parent happier than being able to provide those aforementioned things to their children.  Granted we can give them a $700 giant teddy bear or a $59 backpack, there is no better satisfaction than the joy of our children when they are happy.   In this Kid’s Gift Guide you’ll find happy and exciting gifts for all the kiddos in your life.

If I were a child, I would definitely love a Toddler rattan bow chair.  Teach your children the beauty of classic with this Classic Pedal Car.  Oversized Teddy Bear.  Mini Sailor Backpack in red.

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