Month: December 2020

This year has been challenging to say the least. One great thing that may come from this strange year is a real and deep appreciation for our normal way of living. Looking forward to our post-Covid way of living to see what it will bring. Not all has been difficult for me, I for once have enjoyed the full time presence of my hubby and son and I have really loved having them both with me all the time.

Mid west interior designer, Julie Paulino Design

I know that many families may find having their family around all the time overwhelming, but I don’t. I love spending time with my hubby and son and Covid has given us no choice and the opportunity to do so. I just wish my other side of the family could also be here with us, but because of travel restrictions we will need to be remote this year. I’m also deeply thankful for the opportunity of starting Julie and Ev in the middle of this upending year. It was a long time dream of ours to share our worldwide finds with everyone who may be interested and combining our travel experiences with beautiful home aesthetics is a win win for me.

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This year we took a more relaxed approach to Christmas decorating. Instead of a front door garland, like last year, we opted for a wreath. We decorated every room in the house although lightly though. Small indoor planted Norfolk pine trees were displayed in the dining room and kitchen. While a bigger tree was decorated in our TV room where we spend most time at nights.

As the days approach for Christmas eve, fingers crossed a snowed one, I get more and more excited about this special time of year. It never gets old, everything from the Christmas carols, the rushing of Christmas presents, the planning of what to make for dinner to the expectations of the new year, every year is as new as it can get. And little other things throughout the year make up for this, the most wonderful time of the year.

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What is everyone agreeing on this year…? It is the unusual holiday season this year brings. During 2020, we have all collectively experienced the most appalling year in generations. I say that should be more of a compelling reason to give the right gifts to those we love and care about. In a year that has kept us apart from our near and dear, let’s let them know that they are still in our thoughts as well as in our hearts.

Here is Belle Vivir most complete gift guide for everyone of our family and friends. From the host who will for sure appreciate one of the chic gift sets from Julie and Ev to the kids in the family who can certainly used a laugh while playing with their new Squeakee the baloon dog. Here are our best git ideas for those you love.

Photo by Chris Craymer for Vogue Magazine
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