Tag: Conscious Living

I’ve been somewhat absent from this blog while being pretty busy working on our garden, soon I’ll share with you the before and after and some of the process. I’ve been also reflecting a lot on the current social situation of our country which was a long time coming. I am more than perplexed at the resurfacing reality of our racist system and how there are still organizations that all they can come up with is with the uncompromising phrase “We are listening” and “we are open”. As if they don’t know anything about this country’s history and as if they are in charge of deciding whether or not things should change. Many other so-called “influencers” haven’t even dared to use the phrase “BLACK LIVES MATTER” as if that was a request or even a debate.

I understand that the system as it has been designed had so far worked very well for a few selected individuals and they may not find any systemic change self-serving. But the reality is that when we lift each other we all win. We all deserve to live in peace and surrounded by beauty and we all deserve to be equally treated and have equal opportunities. Too many families are suffering from watching their loved ones being killed in the streets or being put in prison for minor offenses and not being able to do anything because there is nothing they can do. The system is designed to keep certain demographics out of society so they won’t vote. Too many families destroyed and left in poverty as a consequence of a lack of opportunities or being subject to rejections.

There is no time to think, to listen, or to be open. It’s time to start practicing that beautiful practice of equality and put our words into action. I’ve been always tried to make this blog an inclusive one and have always encouraged conscious buying. There is no better time than doing just that now. By supporting these organizations you are helping a common cause:

For a more comprehensive list of organizations to help go to New York Magazine.

I recently read somewhere that decorating is about self-respect, your environment reflects what you “think of yourself” so surround yourself with the best you can afford.  It’s often said that we only get one chance to make a good impression?  In this case, though, there are many opportunities to doing it right, meaning that we have infinite chances to make our homes the best and most we can.  Our surroundings define our moods so why not make that work for us daily?
The best part of implementing these decorating tips to boost your mood is that they won’t cost you much.

decorating tips to boost your mood
Photo via Elle Decor
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A lot is happening right now, with the Coronavirus wreaking havoc around the world and threatening our form of daily life, we start to feel a little more than scared. Above all, we should learn how to prevent the virus; so far the recommendations are a no-brainer, wash hands periodically, don’t touch people and for now no hand-shaking, clean the surfaces you regularly touch with Clorox or medicine alcohol. The CDC says there is no need for wearing a mask, only those that are sick should wear one and this is because masks won’t protect you from breathing in the virus, however, it stops those who have it from spreading it.

Grand Canyon, environmental act to save the planet

Having said that, this is a new virus and professionals don’t know everything about it yet, so if I was living in a city with an outbreak I would definitely wear a mask for protection. It won’t hurt me. Now, to our regular post. Earth has been extraordinarily good to all of us, it has kept us with oxygen, sunlight, perfect nature, and so much more, so why not return the favor and help save it. You don’t need to be a Democrat to understand and believe science, however, it would help if we voted for the right person coming this November.

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recycling, composting

It’s all about saving our planet.  Unfortunately, our current climate crisis puts us in a situation where we must find a way to reduce the pollutants that fossil fuel companies are releasing into the atmosphere as well as limiting our personal contributions to our landfills.  As our population continues to grow, the implication of every individual carbon footprint is impacting the future of our planet.  Luckily, we are continually educating ourselves about earth-friendly methods of responsible sustainability where we can adjust our lifestyles and contribute to a more environmentally conscious society.  Recycling and composting are great ways we can contribute to the healing and future growth of our planet.

recycling, composting

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Climate change, ocean change

Today officially starts Autumn, but it feels more like a humid summer.  Our planet is warming up at an alarming rate and, the truth is, we can’t just say climate change is happening and leave it at that and not do anything about it and go on with our lives as if it doesn’t affect us.  Failing to act to save our planet, even when we believe in climate change, does not make us any different from someone who is denying this fact.  At the end of the day, the consequences are the same.  Ever since the beginning, our planet has gone through a few climate changes, only that the last time was 7,000 years ago.  The current climate change we are experiencing right now is happing at an unprecedented rate, and 95% is as a result of human activities.  What are you willing to do to preserve our planet?  What steps are you taking to reduce your footprint in our ecosystem?  If as mothers, we can’t even answer our children’s questions about why our planet is changing, how are we ever going to face them in the future if we fail to act?

Evidence reveals that current warming is occurring roughly ten times faster than the average rate of ice-age-recovery warming… Global sea levels rose about 8 inches in the last century.  The rate in the last two decades, however, is nearly double that of the previous century and is accelerating slightly every year… source.

Climate change, ocean change

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Amazon burning

I had a very chic post for today as part as my new series “A Fashionable Life,” but honestly with this international crisis happening in the world, it’s a little silly to talk about anything else.  The Amazon produces 20% of our planet’s oxygen, and it’s on fire.  On fire! Without any sign of interest from Brazil’s new elected president, Jair Bolsonaro to stop it.  The saddest of all is that this is no accident; this burning of the Amazon is set by cattle ranchers and loggers who want to clear and utilize the land for cattle.  This horrendous crime to our environment is encouraged by the country’s populist president and backed by a so-called group “beef-caucus.”  No CNN didn’t make that up!

Amazon burning

What can we do? Stop eating meat or eat less.  Brazil is the world’s largest exporter of beef.  I really hope that countries that import meat from Brasil ban all beef from Brazil.

Our house is burning. Literally. The Amazon rain forest – the lungs which produces 20% of our planet’s oxygen – is on fire. It is an international crisis. Members of the G7 Summit, let’s discuss this emergency first order in two days! #ActForTheAmazon pic.twitter.com/dogOJj9…
Smoke from wildfires in the #AmazonRainforest spreads across several Brazilian states in this natural-color image taken by a @NASAEarth instrument on the Suomi NPP satellite. Although it is fire season in Brazil, the number of fires may be record-setting: go.nasa.gov/2zbdf9f pic.twitter.com/4JTcBz9…

Photo via Independent

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