This beyond chic French Neoclassical home belongs to T.V producer Patrick Moran and while designed as an exercise of subtraction according to AD, it sure is full of what I call livable glam, elegance, and restraint. The renowned architect, Wallace Neff built the home in 1960 and recently was renovated by Evan Braun and designed by Christos Prevezanos. The design encompasses everything that represents chic, timeless architecture, classic modern furniture, just the right amount of glam, just look at the kitchen and bathrooms, and beautiful and exotic marble wherever possible.

The living room is the room that most resembles that chic side of Paris. Ornate moldings are paired down with curved sofas and chair, elegant understated lighting and marble fireplace mantel. The ceiling plaster chandelier is by Stephen Antonson.

The impressive grand rotunda entryway got special treatment in the way of black and white checkerboard floors.
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