Thoughts and Prayers with Japan

Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see. ~Mark Twain

Let our prayers and thoughts be with Japan and its people. I hope your weekend is full of love and peace.

Images via Robert Couturier

8 thoughts on “Thoughts and Prayers with Japan

  1. Callie Grayson

    Happy Weekend my friend!!
    Echo your statement above! It's just horrible and saddens me. All those people loosing everything, and then having to deal with the aftermath of it all.

  2. quintessence

    Great quote and incredibly beautiful images – what amazing interiors – he is such a talent!

  3. Charlotta Ward

    Julie this is beautiful and I also saw the 'Help Japan' logo on your side bar. Thank you.

    Hope you are enjoying a nice weekend. Ours is over in 15 minutes and I am about to hop into bed. Just wanted to duck in and say thank you for your comment just now, and wish you a nice week ahead.

    x Charlotta

  4. Casa Très Chic

    The images are perfect, that bench is gorgeous.
    The people in Japan are counting on us, we must pray for them and help the way we can.
    Have a nice Sunbday.

  5. A Casa da Vá

    Hi Julie how was your weekend? I also hope your past days were filled with love and peace and I am happy to see we are both on board with the Japan campaign…

    Regarding your lovely post I really like the large scale wallpaper, couldn't image working in such a chic space but it actually does!

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