Women think of beautiful hair with the same passion as men think of expensive sport cars. Luckily with all the great and affordable hair products out there women have a far better chance of scratching the itch than men. By beautiful hair I mean healthy, shiny, bouncy and manageable hair. No, we are not vain guys, it’s that with healthy hair you can basically do anything you want with it. Cool and pretty things like messy and casual ponytails for example. There are many styles out there, sleek ponytail, low, teased crown, high ponytail, you name it. Ideally this hair style works better on layered haircuts. The first step to accomplish a messy ponytail look is to forget about perfection. Use a fine comb to ruffle up the roots on the top of your head and apply light hairspray, slowly pull them back with your fingertips leaving some loose to frame your face and hold them with an elastic band. Hair scrunchies are not allowed! Finish it up with light hairspray to keep the bouncing from flatting out.
I know what you’re thinking: that the party season is over, therefore, this post about beautiful home bars is now useless and unnecessary. I have to respectfully disagree: now is when many people with unreasonably-set resolutions will need a bar in their homes. I’m referring to those that soon after the second month start conceiving the idea that it may be impossible to lose 20 pounds in three months. There are different types of home bars. The bar cart is still in its heydays, mostly in small cities where space is scarce and it’s important to be able to move things around whenever possible. Cabinet bars is my favorite option, they provide the choice of encasing everything when not being used. For grown-ups a.k.a., really serious entertainers and hosts there is the option of wet bars with sinks and everything.
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Now that the holiday is so last week, it’s time to get our hands on a brand new daily planner and start checking things off our to-do list. As much as I like technology and all its goodies, I love a physical agenda or organizer where I can jot things down. Everything from everyday errands to short-term, mid-term and long-term goals goes in there. I feel the whole thing of recording goals gets way more compromising when you assign them due dates, of course it could also be terrifying. The good thing about we setting our own goals is that we can always go back and adjust the dates. Just remember to use a pencil!
When it comes to mid to long-term goals I focus on recording down specific goals rather than random ones such as “I want to exercise more this year” instead, it’s more about how am I going to accomplish it and what’s my first step. Will I set aside specific times and days of the week? Will I try to bike more over the weekend and so on? Now anybody can lose focus sometimes and that’s where The Mi Goals Diary comes in. It’s motivational quotes will keep you on track whenever feeling like falling off the wagon.
The color brown in Interiors as well as in Fashion has always been a favorite of mine. It’s the perfect balance between the power of black and lighter tones. It’s a color that is found in nature as often as green. Brown comes in many different tones and it can be combined with softer tones to create more feminine spaces. I love to combine brown with blues and softer pinks such as taupe. Rooms with brown walls are cozy and glomorus at the same time and when paired with other softer tones can act as even as neutral a color as grey and beige.
Below, some images of browns that I’m loving late.
Beutiful rich room with brown walls by Andrew Brown, photo by Melacia Acevedo.
Fridays are already an institution in this blog. The day where posts are more relaxed aiming to set the minds of its readers to a hassle-free weekend. That’s the place where everybody can let life just roll. Easier said than done, right? Wouldn’t life be perfect if there were a thought-controlling-bottom that we can turn on and off whenever we want! While we wait on that magic pill, let’s all thank Instagram and Pinterest for their substitution power! Have an inspiring weekend!
Room by Libby Cameron via Veranda. Love how elegant this gorgeous living room is. Here we can see a perfect example of how the color brown can work as a neutral in interior design.

Gil Schafer, David Netto via Veranda
I’ve seen street style ladies with extraordinary upper muscle strength. Ladies who put fashion and style among everything else including their fragile figures. Layering is their thing and it’s my thing too, not only in fashion but also in Interiors but, not at my physical risk. I have seen a few like this: it all starts with a t-shirt, then a V-neck sweater, a cardigan, an open t-shirt, a blazer, an under coat, a coat and another t-shirt wrap around the waist. You know just in case you run across someone in the need of clothes. My back aches at just the thought of all that weight! Layering clothes is exceptionally necessary during strong winters and fluctuating temperatures, like the ones confronting in the States. However I hope in 2014 we get to see a more realistic approach to street fashion without the trivial urgency for clamoring attention. These ladies here show us how to do it tastefully while layering clothes stylishly while making sweaters interesting all while keeping their back health intact.
When Fall was in full bloom here in Sao Paulo I used to wear a lot of sweaters-sweaters with skirt, with pants, with jeans and so on. But a sweater can be a bit blah if considering its regular shape. I think it’s always a good idea to look around for inspiration on how to make any piece of typical garment look more interesting; in this case making sweaters interesting. I like the idea of layering it on top of a shirt, sort of like in a peek-a-boo way. Another great way to wear a jacket or blazer on the shoulders and above all and by far my favorite is to wear a big statement necklace on top. Enjoy!