When we started remodeling our home I knew we were not going to live here forever, I also knew what many people knew, that the time of the housing boon was over. Knowing that, my choices on materials and structural changes needed to be more cautious, but I didn’t want to sacrifice style or comfort. So I kept the kitchen and bathrooms as traditional and neutral as possible, something that would appeal to most people, in case one day we decided to sell this house. For our master bathroom I mixed “real and steal” materials: marble mosaic in calacatta gold for the floor, chair rail (to end the tiles that I extended 12″ up the wall, below) and the pencil border that frames the walk-in shower. The shower walls are in porcelain that look exactly like calacatta gold marble. It’s funny the tile installer didn’t know it wasn’t marble until he saw the back of it. The vanity is custom made.The master bathroom is on the small side so I installed a programmable tile warmer, a luxury feature that will compensate for the lack of space. Anyone who has ever remodeled a home knows that faucets can be expensive. For the shower faucets I simply left out unnecessary things such as volume control handles. The main shower handle does the volume control already so why buy an extra one? I wanted to create a luxury experience for my shower with more than one water source without having to pay top money for it. I got the big overhead shower at Lowe’s where the handheld shower is a combination of one of those handles that come with the shower I just replaced the hose for one that you can connect separately and got the set of handles with its respective valves at a trade showroom. This way I was able to have two separate shower sources with two separate faucets.
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