Day: January 24, 2019

Losing a loved one is soul crushing.  We recently lost my mother-in-law to cancer.  Her funeral was last Tuesday, and even when we were expecting it, it’s excruciating when it happens.  When she was put under hospice care at her home about three months ago, I purchased a couple of books about near-death experiences to find some spiritual comfort.  I have always been fascinated by spiritual subjects and have read these types of books since I was a teenager, maybe as an attempt to find answers to something that is so mysterious.

Many, if not all, of the NDE books I’ve read, share many similarities and all point to the source of light and joy and how our souls eventually become one with it.  Many who have experienced it say they didn’t want to leave that perfect peaceful state, but they had to return because their time on earth wasn’t complete.  The stories are compelling, hopeful and give certainty of life after death and not any life, but one full of joy and light.  A perfect state that most of these individuals can’t find the right human words to describe.  If you are dealing with a lost of a loved one, give yourself a chance and try reading one of these books below.  They may be more comforting than you think.

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