Day: September 24, 2019

Climate change, ocean change

Today officially starts Autumn, but it feels more like a humid summer.  Our planet is warming up at an alarming rate and, the truth is, we can’t just say climate change is happening and leave it at that and not do anything about it and go on with our lives as if it doesn’t affect us.  Failing to act to save our planet, even when we believe in climate change, does not make us any different from someone who is denying this fact.  At the end of the day, the consequences are the same.  Ever since the beginning, our planet has gone through a few climate changes, only that the last time was 7,000 years ago.  The current climate change we are experiencing right now is happing at an unprecedented rate, and 95% is as a result of human activities.  What are you willing to do to preserve our planet?  What steps are you taking to reduce your footprint in our ecosystem?  If as mothers, we can’t even answer our children’s questions about why our planet is changing, how are we ever going to face them in the future if we fail to act?

Evidence reveals that current warming is occurring roughly ten times faster than the average rate of ice-age-recovery warming… Global sea levels rose about 8 inches in the last century.  The rate in the last two decades, however, is nearly double that of the previous century and is accelerating slightly every year… source.

Climate change, ocean change

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