I have noticed that there are not many options for beautiful bags priced under the thousands. It seems everyone think it’s Hermes. I have a great obsession with bags and look to buy one at least every year. But keeping up with Designer handbags can get very expensive. There are many nice looking options available at affordable retail stores but, they may not be as durable. I’m particularly interested in bags that come with both, a short handle and shoulder handle. I appreciate the flexibility of carrying it either on my shoulder, arm or hand. These bags listed here below offer that flexibility and more while being affordable and chic. Below, a roundup of chic affordable bags.
Can Mondays be the third day of the weekend from now on please? I can’t believe how fast this week went by. May seems to be the month where half the people I know celebrate their birthday, including my hubby, so I’ve been a bit busy not only with work but also with birthday appointments, ha! Not sure what the weekend brings me, nothing planned yet.
Can we talk about those chairs above… Aren’t they beautiful? I don’t know who makes them, if anyone can tell, please do.
God! have I forgotten this gem blog this week? Not in my heart though. I’ve been running around and this post has been sitting there for two days now. Yesterday was a hectic day, running around from one work site to the other and when I noticed it was too late to make it to the Kips Bay Decorator’s cocktail party to which I was invited. Oh well these are the days!
Without even knowing it was going to rain today I prepared this post on Sunday night, but it seems too appropriate since nautical inspirations many times have to do with loads and loads of rainy ports. Enjoy!
I’ve been saving part of these images that I found here for ever. Most of these photographs were taken by Henry Clarke around the 60’s and I love that there were a lot of classic ladies wearing striped outfits. Henry Clarke was an American fashion photographer who after meeting Celil Beaton at Vogue, became enchanted by the magic of photography, moved to Paris and soon started working for Harper’s Bazaar and Vogue. Ada from Classiq recently made a great post about him. Check it out. These images are just so inspiring and admirable to look at, especially now-a-days when there is so much obnoxious reality shows going on. Sometimes I get to ask myself how did we go from there to now?
Resort Cabanas has really glamorous Beach cabanas. B&B Italian UP armchair & footstool, striped by Gaetano Pesce is just adorable.
Cup and saucer here and the tribal stripes on this cotton rug is definitely calling my name, I think I would love it more if it were in multicolu, at West Elm.
Women’s love for shoes is undeniable and who can blame us? I’m loving the global chic influence on these wedges by Oscar De La Renta and the flat sandals below would be perfect to stroll flea markets on Sundays. Which one would you pick?