I have noticed that there are not many options for beautiful bags priced under the thousands. It seems everyone think it’s Hermes. I have a great obsession with bags and look to buy one at least every year. But keeping up with Designer handbags can get very expensive. There are many nice looking options available at affordable retail stores but, they may not be as durable. I’m particularly interested in bags that come with both, a short handle and shoulder handle. I appreciate the flexibility of carrying it either on my shoulder, arm or hand. These bags listed here below offer that flexibility and more while being affordable and chic. Below, a roundup of chic affordable bags.
Marc by Marc Jacobs Scofty School bag.
Vyna St Phard
Julie, I echo your sentiments! The J.Crew Edie attache bag is a stunner. AB FAB!
The blue Longchamp bag is so lovely, Julie! I understand what you're saying about the weight. I tend to buy bags big enough to have room for my notebook, bottle of water, etc , which means that at least the bag itself shouldn't weigh too much. 🙂
Jen of MadeByGirl
all good options! I REALLY like the last two because I am really into the whole color thing going on these days…
I adore grass green but the Longchamp bag is gorgeous! I always carry huge bags so I know it is a pain but you have to have all your stuff!
xoxo -e (modern24seven.blogspot.com)