Are you planning on selling your home in 2019? If so, in this guide, you will find lots of useful information that can help you to market your home successfully and secure the best price.

photo via Alyse Rodriguez
What your asking price is NOT
Getting your asking price right is so, so important! This is where a lot of homeowners go wrong! Here are two pointers that will help to ensure you don’t go down the wrong path…
- An asking price is NOT your chance to test the market
A lot of people don’t see their asking price as a big deal. After all, you can always change it! So, they set their price higher than what their home has been valued at – just to push their luck. Then they reduce the price to try and entice buyers and they play around thinking they will eventually give someone what they want! This can completely wreck your chances of selling your home. Altering your asking price shows a lack of confidence, and it makes people question your property. Getting your price right the first time is key.