Are you planning on selling your home in 2019? If so, in this guide, you will find lots of useful information that can help you to market your home successfully and secure the best price.

photo via Alyse Rodriguez
What your asking price is NOT
Getting your asking price right is so, so important! This is where a lot of homeowners go wrong! Here are two pointers that will help to ensure you don’t go down the wrong path…
- An asking price is NOT your chance to test the market
A lot of people don’t see their asking price as a big deal. After all, you can always change it! So, they set their price higher than what their home has been valued at – just to push their luck. Then they reduce the price to try and entice buyers and they play around thinking they will eventually give someone what they want! This can completely wreck your chances of selling your home. Altering your asking price shows a lack of confidence, and it makes people question your property. Getting your price right the first time is key.
- An asking price is NOT based on what you need
So, you are moving out of your home, you NEED $100,000 in order to buy your next property, so you have to sell your current one for $300,000. That’s completely fine if your home is valued at $300,000. You can’t expect buyers to simply pay whatever price you have decided on because you need the money.
Why you need a real estate agent to maximize value
It is very easy to fall into the trap of believing you don’t need a real estate agent! There are lots of marketing channels you can use yourself thanks to the Internet, so why not cut out the middleman altogether?
Trust me, if you do this, you will be making a huge mistake! An agent brings a huge amount of value to your property and the selling process because they have so much to offer. For starters, can you honestly say you know all you need to about the legalities and the negotiation process?
Aside from this, a real estate agent can provide you with all the key statistics and information you need about the local market, supply and demand, and forecasts for the future. They will ensure your house is priced right so you reap maximum value. Not only will they value your property themselves, but they will also provide you with telling information on the prices being asked for by homeowners with similar homes.
Let’s not ignore the marketing side of things either! There are so many ways an estate agent can advertise your property above and beyond what you can. Take their office window and website as prime examples. They also have a readymade list of contacts they can try and sell your home to.
Do you need a garage?
Do you have a garage in your home? Do you store your car in it? Most people will have answered no to that question! In fact, that vast majority of garages don’t contain cars! Surprising, isn’t? This shows how garages are increasingly becoming a wasted asset. So, why not consider turning yours into something else in order to add value to your home?
A lot of people turn their garage into a spare living space. Generally speaking, this will appeal to a much wider scope of buyers! But, how can you be sure it is going to add value to your home! Well, you need to calculate how much it is going to cost you and then work out the value added.
It is a good idea to ring up several companies for a quote. But, in general, you can expect a garage conversion to cost about ten grand. In order to determine how much value a living space will add you need to do your research on local prices. Multiply the square footage gained by local price per square foot.
One thing you definitely should not turn your garage into is a place to dump all of your belongings. You can get dirt cheap rubbish removal to deal with any clutter and things that you do not need.
Think about it from the buyer’s perspective… if you were looking for a new home, would you want a garage you never used or an additional living space? I know what I’d prefer!
Increasing your home’s value on a budget!
We would all love to add thousands of pounds to our home by installing new countertops in the kitchen or adding a brand new conservatory, but the truth is, we don’t all have the pennies to do so! Don’t let this fool you into thinking you cannot add value to your home, however. Here are some great ways to do so on a budget…
- Fresh coat of paint – Paint presents one of the cheapest ways to completely transform your home. The difference it can make is unbelievable! It is a good idea to go for a sophisticated yet neutral palette – one that appeals to all but isn’t boring.
- Declutter – Take on each room one at a time and get rid of every item that does not add to the appearance of it. How does this add value? Well, you will soon see that the room appears much bigger than it did before.
- Light the way – Make sure your home is well light. All of the bulbs need to be fitted with the proper wattage. Draw all of your curtains to let as much natural light in as possible. This will really open the space and highlight the best features in your house.
How many pictures are too many?
Photographs, photographs, photographs… The ultimate marketing tool! Always have been, always will be. Get your photographs right and you will have the buyer calling you to arrange a viewing quicker than you can say ‘house sold’. Get your photographs wrong and you will get barely any viewings at all.
It’s not all about how your photos look, what angle they are taken from, how they are staged, and so on and so forth. It’s a numbers game as well. How many images should you include of your home? Every good estate agent will tell you no less than six. But, is there such a thing as too many? Quite simply: YES.
Buyers don’t need to see each and every corner of your home! They want to see every room and the main features. Think of it like a model’s portfolio. They include their best shots, not every photo shoot they have ever been a part of.
You should try and aim for twelve photos at a minimum and twenty at the most! This is more than enough to show your home to full effect. Try and make a third of these lifestyle images. How? Add some little touches, such as a freshly brewed pot of tea with some nice china cups in the kitchen.
How to create a killer headline to sell your home
You open a magazine. What compels you to read the article? The headline! The whole purpose of a headline is to capture the reader’s attention. If your headline is boring, generic or wordy, no one will bother to read your listing! In fact, they may not even finish reading the headline.
So, how do you deliver a killer headline for your property? The key is to keep it short, no more than 20 words, and it should be punchy to! Don’t simply say ‘four bedroom house, stylish living room and spacious garden.’ How does that make your house different to any other four bedroom home? Instead, you need to allude to the lifestyle people will have if they buy your home. If you are struggling for ideas take a look on the Internet or in property magazines for some inspiration.
Make reference to the character of your property – Is it coastal? Does it have a Victorian feel? Is it ultra-modern? Does it give a slice of luxury? You should also use descriptive words to describe the lifestyle – relaxing, peaceful, balanced, quiet and such like. This helps to paint the perfect picture of the lifestyle your property provides whilst also leaving an air of mystery – how does it provide this?
What to do when you aren’t getting any viewings!
There is nothing more frustrating than feeling like there is absolutely no interest in your home! Especially when you hear about other people who seem to be having several viewings every week. So, what would help you to get more viewings?
Now would be a good time to take a fresh approach to your marketing. Review how you are currently advertising your home. Why not re-take your photographs? If you haven’t had your photos taken professionally now is definitely a good time! Professional photographers know how to make the most of your home. They know all about angles, staging, lighting and such like. Their influence could make a massive difference. You could also consider making a virtual tour video of your home? This works extremely well!
Don’t only consider the visual aspects of your marketing, what about the descriptions of your home? Try writing these from scratch. Get your hands on some property magazines for inspiration. Headlines are so important! You need to engage the reader’s interest. Use descriptive language to allow the reader to visualize the life they would lead if they bought your home; you should also consider using historical anecdotes or intrigue the reader with other human interest elements.