Sou seguidora do seu blog e acabei de indicá-lo para receber o selo Prêmio DArdos. Gosto muito das informações e dicas. Dê uma passadinhoa no babuchydecor.blogspot para saber mais sobre mim e a indicação. Bjs.
Thanks! have a wonderful weekend my friend! I will be drinking lots of coffee, must go get flowers, the sun is shining and I am going shopping for my house today! to buy little things that are much needed like floor lamps, bookcases and frames! xx callie
Design Junkie
Beautiful floor!
Splendid Sass
Love the settee, and you know I love the rug!
Have a great weekend.
Lovely images! Have a great weekend!
Sarah Klassen
Sounds absolutely perfect!
I hope you have a lovely, restful weekend ahead, xo
Catharina Campos
Sou seguidora do seu blog e acabei de indicá-lo para receber o selo Prêmio DArdos. Gosto muito das informações e dicas. Dê uma passadinhoa no babuchydecor.blogspot para saber mais sobre mim e a indicação. Bjs.
Plum Pretty Sugar Loungerie
So incredibly pretty! Goodness!
Flowers and good coffee are among my favourite things!
Callie Grayson
Thanks! have a wonderful weekend my friend!
I will be drinking lots of coffee, must go get flowers, the sun is shining and I am going shopping for my house today! to buy little things that are much needed like floor lamps, bookcases and frames!