Are you ready for the eclipse today…? We aren’t since we couldn’t find one single special glasses available… Then I thought why not record the eclipse with my cellphone and look at the phenomenon on the screen while it’s happening…until I read somewhere that the rays can damage the phone? So I gave up without hesitation. Picture below, Charlie McCormick’s Garden.
The sun is pretty powerful. so much so that can be a cause of cancer if not dealt with properly. As a source of energy its emanating rays can also be a source of life. If not, ask Charlie McCormick whom I came across with via Instagram. McCormick is a New Zelander based in Dorset, England who is a gardener, floral designer, stylist and supplier and grower of cut flowers and judging by the gorgeous dahlias he grows in his own garden, he knows pretty well how to get the best out of those sun rays. Needless to say a beautiful garden needs more than good soil and the right amount of sun. It also needs experienced hands and good planning.
I appreciate all kinds of gardens, but I’m more interested in European gardens for many different reasons but mostly for its meticulously planned landscapes, the serenity, harmony and its flowers which latter usually abounds in English Gardens. So when I saw the top image of the dog looking out the iron gates surrounded by the bed of dahlias, it made me pretty happy. I had no idea dahlias can look that beautiful… all I’ve been obsessed about is… peonies. Love it when that happens… being reminded to keep an open mind, to embrace the new… that inspiration can come from the unexpected. Perhaps I should consider looking beyond just European Gardens…
Charlie McCormick’s flower room, very charming…
Amazing looking Dahlias in the flower room
This image is from McCormick’s Instagram but I’m not sure if it’s from his own garden, still beautiful though.
A charming and moody kitchen in Scotland that Charlie posted in his Instagram Account.