I didn’t think I was going to be so enchanted by beautiful gardens. I have always been a lover of nature and always have the belief that there is nothing more beautiful than nature. Of course, there is outstanding man-made architecture, but as beautiful as they can be, they would look rather dilapidated without the proper landscaping. It is my hope that all these beautiful images can provide you with much-needed inspiration as well as a confirmation that life is beautiful and soon we’ll be back to our normal life.

I’ve been working on our lawn, more so these days and thanks to Instagram I’ve found a well of inspiration. Below, are six garden accounts to follow on Instagram.
This account is handled by Danna Callahan. Landscape Designer. Featuring Inspirational Garden Artistry. This account features more Castle like gardens with very tailored landscaping. The gardens are mostly symmetrical as formal gardens tend to be, with parterres, perfectly shaped boxwoods, and elegant mature tree alleys.
Clockwise from top left, the stunning Parc de Sceaux, wisteria cascading from a pergola, stunning private hedge, the spectacular giant topiaries in Abbey House Gardens Malmesbury, UK, a birds-eye view of Highgrove gardens… the private residence of The Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall, and boxwoods in rustic planters in the Cotswolds.
Henrietta Courtauld and Bridget Elworthy established The Land Gardeners to research about plant and soil health through growing, cutting and designing. They also have books by the same name and their account is full of wild meadows garden that makes you elated with excitement and happiness. Next week I’ll be posting about Wardington Manor where all the magic takes place.
Clockwise from top left, a wild meadow of tulips and cow parsley, an arrangement of giant dahlias, I ordered a few bulbs of these magnificent giant dahlias. I can’t wait to see if they’ll bloom. The flower room, wild meadow enclosed by hedges, a walled garden, and an over-scaled hedge.
Life and decor is about what the name suggests, decor and garden, but with an emphasis on outdoor landscaping and gardens. Here you’ll find mostly provencal gardens.
Clockwise from top left, Chateau de Carrouges, an entrance to a chateau in St, Remy, a very Provencal garden, Wisteria covering stone houses, Provence Poiriers, Hotel Old Parsonage in Oxford.
Inspired by all things French this account will transport you to France from the comfort of your screen.
Clockwise from top left, alfresco dining among topiaries and boxwoods, Avignon, Provence, a pergola is covered with wisteria in a patio in Provence, perfect symmetry of boxwoods, outdoor stairs are framed with potted boxwoods, and Castello de Reschio Villa in Umbria, Italy.
This account doesn’t have much description, but it’s about everything that entails a beautiful living. The photos are usually charming with mostly cottage-like homes.
Clockwise from top left, a beautiful fence with a climbing tree, a charming black door is framed with walls covered in ivy, Charlie McCormick garden, climbing roses around a door, more climbing hydrangeas framing a walkway, and a pea gravel road is lined with lime hydrangeas.
Gina showcases her beautiful garden in Denmark. If you love hydrangeas, you’ll love this account.