You may have noticed how bigger size bags have taken the back seat in the fashion world lately. The current trend in bags is a smaller, slicker bag that has a night time appearance although it’s used during the day as well. I’m coveting all bags designed by Delvaux lately, mainly the Madame mini which is extremely similar to the Sophie Hulme mini envelope bag. Sophi’s is a lot more affordable. Therefore I most likely will end up with the affordable one. Enjoy!
Chic bags under 500 from top to bottom, left to right: Elizabeth and James, Sophie Hulme Mini Envelope Bag, Sophie Hulme, Rebecca Minkoff, Michael Kors, DVF, Boticca, Milliner, Flynn.
This is one trend I like and I've been gravitating towards this bag style for a while. I would love a cross-body bag and I really like the Michael Kors design, but I wish it didn't have the logo on. 🙂