Now that my love for brass, which I’m professing for over two years now, has spread around I’m more certain that real love is the only way to save the world, I mean style. If only the good things were contagious, wouldn’t life be better? Since brass was forgotten and left in absence for a long time, it has staged a comeback for over a year now. It’s been like gold, in the sense that everybody wants a piece of it. And who wouldn’t? The gorgeous metal seems to pretty up everything it touches. Enjoy!
I’ve been having so much fun organizing my home, we just got our furniture after 4 long months of waiting for the shipment, and since I love fashion so much I’ve been baptizing each room with a fashion designer’s name. Here is a list of one of the coolest-looking home offices I’ve seen lately (and not so lately) and here are the designers who I would pair them with. Enjoy and have a happy mid-week!
Home office images from Elle Decor. From top to bottom Balmain, Balenciaga, Stella McCartney and Jil Sander.
Summer is my favorite season of all. I grew up in a hot, hot island drinking lots of cold “morir sonando,” a mixture of milk with orange juice with chopped ice, while lying down on the cool and refreshing concrete polished floor. That same floor I used as a slide when the cleaning ladies were washing it. It was so much fun! Here’s to good memories and long summer weekends! How much I wish I had that floor again during these past super hot days. Thankfully we’ve had a few nicer, less hot days lately that have given us the chance for a breath of fresh air. The weekend however seems to be bringing along another heat wave that would make me more hungry for a vacation getaway. My hubby and I have been discussing how wonderful would be to hit the Amalfi Coast, unfortunately that seems too far from the true since we instead, need to be getting ready for our move to Sao Paulo, hopefully we’ll make to Punta Del Este for Christmas, fingers crossed! Last week I had our home professionally photographed by Robert Levin and I’m extremely happy with the result. I can’t wait to share it with you.