How To Keep Your Home Pristine

Housework is something you either love or hate, but however you feel about it, it still has to be done.  Some people like it so much that they clean others people’s home for a living.   If you are lucky enough to be able to afford a cleaner that is great, but if not, which is most of us, here are a few ways to make the job simpler.  How to keep your home pristine.

how to keep your home pristine

Get Rid Of The Clutter

You may be surprised by how much easier your home becomes to clean if you get rid of all the clutter.  While it is sitting around you, have to keep moving it to clean, and that means it can take twice as long.  Either dispose of the things you do not need or store other items that you want to keep but are not in daily use.

Look carefully around your home, and you will find lots of storage space that perhaps you had not thought of.  The bottom of closets and under beds are just two examples of good storage places.

Check to see if you can fit any extra shelves inside cupboards and closets as often the ones that are already there are too far apart to be used to their fullest.  An extra shelf in a kitchen cupboard, for instance, can help you to keep your work surfaces clear.

Once the clutter has disappeared, not only will your home be more accessible to clean, it will be more pleasant to live in.  All you need to do then is make sure it does not build up again.  If you have kids, encourage them to put their things away and not to leave them lying around creating a mess.

Use The Professionals

There are some jobs that you should use professionals for.  Carpet clean is typical of this.  You can vacuum all you like, but there will be dirt and grime that has gone too deep for your vacuum to get it out.

As you walk on the carpet, the bits of grit will wear away at it, and you will find that you carpets start to wear out before they should.  Professional carpet cleaners will remove everything and help to prevent this happening.  They will also be able to remove most stains, and your carpets will look as good as new.

You can also help to prolong the life of them by wearing wool slippers, or slippers of other materials.  These are not only better for your carpets than shoes, but also they will be more comfortable when you are inside.

Window cleaning is another task that you might consider using professional for.  Glass can be hard to clean and to get rid of all the smears.  Professional window cleaners will have the materials and equipment to make the job easy and will be able to reach the windows that are too high for you to clean.

Make Housework More Pleasant

You can make the task more pleasant by not using commercial cleaning products that have awful chemical smells.  There are natural products on the market that will do the job just as well.  You will also find there are some things in your kitchen cupboard that are very good for cleaning, vinegar, and bicarbonate of soda being just two examples.

Put your favorite music on to help you through the task.  This helps you to keep working without noticing it so much.

Do It More Often

The longer you leave the dust and grime to build up the worse the job will be.  Cleaning more often will control the build-up of these and make the housework a much simpler task.

For instance, wipe down your kitchen work surfaces every day to prevent the build-up of any spillages.  Often if these are left they dry hard and then will be difficult to remove.

Make the beds every day as well.  This will help to keep the bedrooms in a better state and a bed after ones night’s sleep is much easier to make than one that has been left for a week.

Buy A Robot

Don’t imagine the robots from old sci-fi films that were made to look as much like humans as possible.  These robots are floor cleaners that move around your home.  If you have tiled or wooden floors they are perfect for the task.  They can move around and even underneath furniture and can do this while you are cleaning the rest of the rooms.

You can use them any time of day as they are not very noisy and all you have to do is remember to empty them.

Robot mops are also available now, and there is no doubt that as technology continues to progress, there will be more robots developed to do even more household chores.

Tidy Up Before Bed

Before you go to bed each night just spend 10 minutes putting things back in their place.  The coffee cups that are on the coffee table, for instance, need to go in the kitchen, and the magazine that has been left on the sofa should be put in the magazine rack.

You could well be tired, and that is why you are off to bed, but these few minutes spent putting things in their correct places will make your home much more pleasant to get up in the next day.

Keep Cleaning Supplies Handy

Keeping your cleaning supplies handy means you are far more likely to do a job.  For instance, if your work surface cleaner is in a kitchen cupboard and not kept in the garage, it will be simple to get it and clean your surfaces.  If you really do not feel like cleaning and have to go to another room to get your cleaning supplies, you are far less likely to do the job at all.

There are advantages to keeping your house clean, such as it is said to be better for our mental health.  It is also brilliant if visitors turn up unexpectedly and you can welcome them knowing that your home is clean.